A Healthier Approach to College Admissions – Tuesday, March 22

With Jen Coté and Margaret Dunlap from Challenge Success

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (includes 15 min of Q&A)

The college admissions process can be a source of stress and anxiety for students and parents alike. This research-based workshop addresses many of the important questions we hear from families. What do college rankings really measure? Are students who attend more selective colleges better off later in life? What is “fit” and why does it matter? Participants will learn practical strategies to help reduce unnecessary pressure around the college admissions process and ways to support their student’s overall well-being and readiness for life in college and beyond.

Registration link: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RnyFo_cuTTupYpoLPFTjOw