Mass of Remembrance – November 12, 2021

On Friday, November 12th, Christian Brothers will host a Mass of Remembrance for all our deceased alumni/ae, friends, and members of our community. Last year, we were unable to come together for this beautiful tradition. Let us reflect, remember, and celebrate the special lives of all those who have passed away in the last two years.  

The Mass of Remembrance will be held on campus in the Chapel of St. Joseph at 3 p.m. on Friday, November 12th. Following the liturgy, we invite you to join us for a brief reception in Brother Bertram Hall.   

At the entrance to the chapel, we will have a memorial board.  Please bring a photo of your loved one to post on this board. (Please bring a copy of a photo, not an original as the photos will be glued to the board.) After the service, the memorial board will remain in the chapel where it will be displayed for the month of November.   

RSVP by calling 916–733–3608 or emailing This has been a very well-attended mass in the past and it is a school day. Please help us ensure that we have reserved enough parking, by replying by November 5th, 2021.